Affiliates & Partners
On this page you find links to programs and partners that I collaborate with, refer to and/or have attended myself. I believe these are resources worth sharing and looking into and though I cannot judge whether any of these programs are right for you, I believe 100% in the people that run or host them, the quality and the value they provide.

Speakers Playhouse
Weekly Speaker Networking
Thursdays 10:30 AM – Noon PST
A wicked-cool 90 minutes of electrically fun, free, delightful, gamified networking with other amazing speakers!
Keynoting Kamp
Location: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Dates: April 22-26, 2024
Keynoting Kamp offers attendees the opportunity to develop a personalized $5,000 Keynote Talk under the guidance of professional speakers Kimberly Crowe and Frank King, while also mastering marketing strategies to secure speaking engagements and upgrading their social media presence to attract ideal clients.

Thrivecart Walkthrough - Funnels, Freebies, Affiliates Oh My!
Date: March 21, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Pacific
And maybe you've heard of Bump Offers, but you're not sure how to set them up, or really, what they even are. Well, Kimberly Crowe has been helping speakers get their message shared on virtual stages for 4 years now, and she's got a system that you won't want to miss!
Monthly Improv Class
Upgrade your communication skills
Learn comedy
Live your most creative life
All at a no-brainer price point ️ you don't even have to get on stage - these classes are on Zoom (yes, it's just as fun!)

GSD (Get Sh*T Done) Business Retreats
Surrounded by a supportive team of experts, we will work side-by-side to help you build the business of your dreams. We will teach you good self-care habits for entrepreneurs to balance the day-to-day administrative “should-dos,” with the revenue driving “must-dos.”
Grow income from your existing traffic with the
highest converting cart for online businesses
Create high-converting cart pages, funnels, affiliate campaigns, courses and more